A full-service inbound marketing agency based in Gainesville
It's time to connect your brand.
Inbound or interruption marketing?
Take a look at your current content and marketing attempts. Are you really taking advantage of inbound marketing or is yours a tactic of interruption marketing? More businesses do that than they believe. You are definitely not alone in the world.
Interruptive marketing involves pop ups, spam emails, paid reviews, forum commenting spam, and so much more. Tell us that you haven’t already tried all of them! You likely already have a lot on your website or have outsourced these types of tasks in the past.
It’s old-school digital marketing that just doesn’t work anymore. Your customers are fed up of the pop ups. They click away if they feel pressurized into buying or interrupted as they’re trying to read. They’re not going to share your stuff on social media!
Inbound marketing involves the earned social media marketing. People share because they want to, because they’ve gained value from you.
This type of digital marketing is all about reaching out to influencers to share your products, creating well-crafted blog posts, authoring books, supporting other events, and much more. How positive do you feel thinking about this type of content?
Inbound marketing is more than a few links
The marketing materials don’t get in the way. They don’t stop someone doing something that they were already doing, but instead work with their tasks. For example, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can help get your website on page one of Google, so people see you when they’re looking for something specific. Influencers share your products to their followers, knowing that these are products people are already looking for. You’re driving traffic to you, working with their current needs and questions.