Because the world of marketing has changed, you must also change the way you market your business. Today you can’t buy, beg and bug consumers. You have to earn their interest and trust and the best way to do that is through education and thought leadership. While you may not think your business needs a blog, there are a number of reasons why it should.
A blog will increase your visibility on the Web and the search engines ranking of your website. You see, search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo! love fresh content. A website that doesn’t change its content for months is essentially a dead website to not only search engines, but also your target audience.
Also, blogging is the first and foremost method of building safe backlinks to your website. Simply put, a backlink, also known as an incoming link, is a link on a website (including blogs) that leads back to your website. In search engine optimization (SEO), page rank is at least partially determined by the number of sites that link to yours. It’s important to gain backlinks honestly, and if a lot of other sites link back to you, you will naturally get more traffic to your site. Creating a blog is one of the first steps you take in building backlinks to your site.
A blog allows for easy redistribution of content. This not only serves the needs of search engines, but also serves the needs of customers. Don’t expect them to come to you. You need to start engaging with your market. Once you have created the content for the blog, add a link to it on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linkedin – whatever social media platforms you are involved with. This gets you in front of your competition and provides the opportunity for people to like, repost, share and comment on your blog article. Reach to your target audience before your competition does.
Branding is still one of the most important parts of creating a niche for your company. Marketing and advertising with publications, magazines, flyers, phone books, etc. used to be the only methods of building your brand. Today, blogging offers a unique opportunity for you to enhance your brand with knowledge and expertise.
The current trend in the brand development is about the ability to tell a story. This is an effective way for you to more clearly position your brand and create differentiation from your competition. Your blog must add value to your readers’ lives. If not, they won’t come back, and they won’t create word of mouth. The best way to build your brand is by blogging about a fresh topic, something that no one else is talking about.
A primary reason for people to use the Internet is to find out the best or cheapest products or services. A blog is one of the strongest methods you have in achieving a leadership position. Blogging sharpens your business focus. Creating a blogging strategy means you must define who you are blogging for and why. Blogs give companies an opportunity to communicate the image they want to hold in the marketplace. Consistent branding leads to a sense of security and stability for customers, which are two of the main factors needed to build customer loyalty.
Blogging is one of the most valuable tools you can have to engage with your customers. If you’re not blogging, it’s time to get started or get left behind. We are friendly and easy to work with, so don’t hesitate to contact DM Creative Studios and see how we can help.